
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

FM4 - Single Film - Critical Study: Fight Club

For the Single Film Study - Critical Study: 'Fight Club' you will need to apply your own interpretation of the film (close analysis) with the critical approaches that have been used to understand the deeper meanings at work in the film: sometimes negatively or positively (reviews/debates).

As the film can be read in many different ways you will be required to construct an argument for validating your understanding; referring to theory and how it informs meaning/understanding is therefore a requirement of your answer.

Approaches will need to understand the complexity of 'Fight Club' in light of these differing readings and you will need to argue a case for your own personal opinions.

Content & Structure for ‘Close Study’ Analysis

Basic Analysis

Jack /Tyler -Managing the spectator’s identification and sympathies (Spectatorship)
Distinctive stylistic features and the look of the film (Colour/Editing/Camera/Performance)
Motifs and their function (Mise-en-scene/Sound etc)

Theoretical Concepts

The representation of modern urban and corporate life (Philosophy/Marxism?)
The representation of masculinity and its threats (Gender/Postmodern Identities)
Marla: women as object of scorn? Misogynistic? (Gender/’The Male Gaze’?)

Social Contexts

A progressive film or a deeply reactionary one? (Opinions)
The social and cultural context of production (Production)
Critical and popular responses to the film (Reviews)

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