Wednesday 30 April 2014

FM4 - Urban Stories: La Haine/City Of God

Urban Stories: Power, Poverty and Conflict

Common Issues

A culture dominated by a more powerful ideology.
A portrait of a culture in a particular place at crucial time of development.
An inability for sustained romantic alliances due to social conditions and upbringing.
A feeling of social or cultural insignificance.
A descent into violence, drug use, crime. alcoholism or lethargy.
Conflicts arising as a result of social and/or cultural environments.
Societies lacking in identity due to Western Globalisation.

Different Environments/Times

‘La Haine’
‘Projects’ on the outskirts of Paris for ethnic minority groups, who were ‘assimilated’ into French society, with no opportunity for work or progression as they were promised.

‘City Of God’
Favelas’ constructed for the poor on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, the result of marginalisation of social groups and an inability of the governrnent to deal with issues of poverty and housing.

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