Students need to provide an aims and context for their 'Creative Project' at A2 (FM3) which outlines the techniques and approaches that will be employed in their production. For assessment purposes a series of bullet points on a coversheet highlighting the following is sufficient:
• genre of film (or equivalent - type/form/movement)
• film/script/step outline
• whether it’s a short film or extract (and if so, whether it’s opening, climactic sequences etc)
• target audience - arthouse/film festival/mainstream
• key stylistic elements of sequence (cinematography, editing etc)
• candidates may refer to film issues raised during their studies at AS.
• if working in a group (moving image only) state role in the production: Director/Camera Operator/Editor etc
The example below gives a hypothetical example and includes reference to film issues raised during AS & A2 studies.
Example:'Farewell my Maltese Lady from Shanghai' - film/video production• Comedy film noir short.• Target audience of 18-year-old, middle-class males, knowledgeable about film.• Apply cinematography techniques developed for film noir.• Explore codes and conventions of genre and apply theoretical work on gender.• As director, try out directing techniques (from writers such as Michael Rabiger).• Use Mike Leigh’s improvisational technique with actors.
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