Wednesday 13 May 2015

FM4 - Urban Stories: La Haine/City Of God

Urban Stories

Key Words:
IDEOLOGY – a person’s or a society’s set of beliefs and values, or overall way of looking at the world.

CULTURE – The way in which forms of human activity and interaction are socially transmitted/The way of life of a particular human community living in a specific place.

POWER – The various forms of control some individuals and groups within society have over other individuals and groups.

REPRESENTATION – The variety of ways in which individuals and groups are displayed to audiences within the media and other cultural texts.

Relationships of power – found within any social structure where there are differences between groups.

Key Questions:

Who has the power?
Who is in a position of subordination to that power?
What is the nature of that power?
Is it economic power involving accumulation of wealth and ownership of corporations?
Is it political power involving the ability to govern and make laws?
Or is it ideological power controlling over education and the mass media?

Key Analysis:

Textual: - consider mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, sound, and the structure of the narrative in detail.
Meaning: - consider how meaning is created to generate audience response in key sequences?
Contextual: a discussion of the social, historical and political contexts of each film?
Compare & Contrast: - discuss the similarities and differences
between your chosen films in the key sequences you are discussing.

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