Postmodernism is a social and cultural concept that has dominated contemporary theory since the 1950’s. It has been widely used in film theory as a critical perspective that allows debate concerning social shifts in contemporary life and artistic practices in the wake of the decline of modernism.
Characteristics of a postmodern text that can be seen within ‘Fight Club’:
Intertextuality – the referencing of other cultural texts; either visually or verbally within the content of the text
Hybridity - the mixing and/or recycling of pre-existing genres and narratives to construct new forms or a ‘hybrid’
Simulation - a lack of any sense of reality to the real world
Surface – a text that is more concerned with the superficial and/or devoid of any depth of meaning
Pastiche – paying ‘homage’ to older texts
Bricolage - the collection of disparate or differing objects to help explain the nature of the prevailing culture and society
Irony – playfulness with the style, form and/or content of a text
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