Section A: Specialist Study: Urban Stories - Power, Poverty and Conflict
Your answer should be based on a minimum of two films.
5. Compare the attitudes to poverty conveyed in the films you have studied for this topic. [35]
6. Explore how stylistic choices contribute to the representation of the urban experience in the films you have studied for this topic. [35]
Section B: Spectatorship: Experimental and Expanded Film/Video
Your answer should be based on a minimum of two films.
13. Explore some of the ways in which you have engaged as a spectator with film/video works you have studied for this topic. [35]
14. In the films you have studied for this topic, discuss how far their production techniques and/or ways in which they are presented challenge the spectator. [35]
Section C: Single Film: Close Critical Study Choose ONE question from this section.
Your answer should make detailed reference to your chosen film.
17. Explore some of the ways in which placing your chosen film within a broader critical framework has helped to develop your appreciation and understanding of specific sequences. [30]
18. How far has critical debate about your chosen film shaped and altered your response? [30]
Specific Questions
26. Discuss critically some of the characteristics of Fight Club that have given it cult status as a film. [30]
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