Section A: Specialist Study: Urban Stories - Power, Poverty and Conflict
Your answer should be based on a minimum of two films.
5. What is the importance of cinematography and/or editing in communicating issues of power, poverty and conflict in the films you have studied for this topic? [35]
6. How far do the films you have studied for this topic challenge the audience, generating debate about the worlds they represent? [35]
Section B: Spectatorship: Experimental and Expanded Film/Video
Your answer should be based on a minimum of two films.
13. Discuss some of the ways in which the film or video work you have studied for this topic requires a different kind of spectatorship from that which spectators bring to their mainstream film-going. [35]
14. Experimental and Expanded film/video works are often perceived as being 'difficult', As a spectator, how far has this been your experience with the films you have studied for this topic? [35]
Section C: Single Film: Close Critical Study Choose ONE question from this section.
Your answer should make detailed reference to your chosen film.
17. Explore some of the ways in which you have gained fresh insights into your chosen film as a result of applying one or more specific critical approaches. [30]
18. How important have been the responses of others, such as film reviewers, in influencing your own response to your chosen film? [30]
Specific Questions
26. Explore the contribution of visual style to the overall themes of Fight Club. [30]
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